Lesson 01 - Introduction
What are the "basic principles"? Why is it important to learn about them and teach them?

Lesson 02 - The Existence of God
How do we know God exists?

Lesson 03 - The Authority of God
Why is it better to submit to God's authority?

Lesson 04 - The Problem of Sin
What is sin and how does it affect our relationship with God?

Lesson 05 - God's Promise of Salvation
What has God done about our problem of sin and what is our response?

Supplemental - Faith that Amazes God
What kind of faith glorifies God and causes Him to rejoice?

Lesson 06 - Learning God's Will God's Way
How did Jesus teach others to understand God's will? How did Jesus expect others to understand God's will? How did Jesus' disciples discover God's will?

Lesson 07 - Has God Commanded It?
What does God want us to focus on: His commands, or His silence? What is the proper attitude toward God's commands and how can we honor them?

Lesson 08 - Becoming and Being a Christian
How does a person become a Christian? What does it mean to live as a Christian?