Getting to know the Bible part 1 

  • The meaning of the word "Bible"
  • The two major sections of the Bible
  • The inspiration of the Bible

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Based on Robert Harkrider's "First Principles of Christianity"

Getting to know the Bible part 2

  • The books of the Old Testament
  • The books of the New Testament
  • The three dispensations

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Based on Robert Harkrider's "First Principles of Christianity"

The Patriarchal dispensation

  • General information
  • Answers to life's important questions (how did we get here, who are we, etc.)

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Based on Robert Harkrider's "First Principles of Christianity"

The Mosaic dispensation

  • General information
  • Key lessons concerning the Law of Moses

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Based on Robert Harkrider's "First Principles of Christianity"

The Christian dispensation

  • General information
  • Important features of the Christian dispensation

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Based on Robert Harkrider's "First Principles of Christianity"

Salvation by Jesus' blood

  • What is salvation?
  • What do we need to be rescued from?
  • God desires all men to be saved
  • How can we be saved?

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Based on Robert Harkrider's "First Principles of Christianity"

Salvation and baptism

  • General information
  • Key lessons concerning the Law of Moses

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Based on Robert Harkrider's "First Principles of Christianity"

One Lord, one church

  • There is only one church
  • How can we be part of Christ's church?

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Based on Robert Harkrider's "First Principles of Christianity"

All we need is the Bible

  • The Bible is sufficient
  • The Bible is reliable
  • The Bible is authoritative

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Why is worshiping God important?

  • Definition of "worship"
  • Worshiping God is important because it's our purpose in life
  •'s the proper response to God's mighty works
  •'s how we acknowledge the truth about God
  •'s how we express love, gratitude and praise to God
  •'s an important way to teach the truth about God

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How should we worship God? Part 1

  • In spirit and truth
  • Lord's Supper

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Based on Robert Harkrider's "First Principles of Christianity"

How should we worship God? Part 2

  • Singing
  • Teaching

Click the image on the right to open a new window and watch the video

Based on Robert Harkrider's "First Principles of Christianity"

How should we worship God? Part 3

  • Praying
  • Giving

Click the image on the right to open a new window and watch the video

Based on Robert Harkrider's "First Principles of Christianity"